The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography of Belief Revision and Nonmonotonicity

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Number of references:2982Last update:August 26, 1997
Number of online publications:33Supported:no
Most recent reference:February 1995

Information on the Bibliography

Raymundo Morado <morado @ phil . indiana . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Philosophy Department, Computer Science Department
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
This database started as the bibliography of my Ph. D. thesis. Without aspiring to completeness, it provides very extensive coverage of recent issues related to nonmonotonic logics and belief revision. A few other items germane or tangential to this work are included, bringing the total to more than 2,400 entries. Though I have been able to collect more than 1,500 of these items, I cannot vouch for the appropriateness of all of them. Sometimes I only had the title to go on, sometimes a brief abstract. Suggestions and contributions are most welcomed.
default reasoning, nonmonotonic logic, belief revision, nonmonotonicity
Author Comments:
UPDATE: Several people have generously contributed their own bibliographies in BibTeX format. I will eventually standardize the more than 3,000 new entries and delete duplicates. My thanks to V. W. Marek, M. Truszczynski, T. Przymusinski, J. Y. Halpern, J. Lobo, and J. Dix.
The original file contained about 2400 unfinished entries. These were omitted during the conversion to standardized BibTeX

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

article(1060), inproceedings(756), book(326), incollection(296), techreport(251), unpublished(91), conference(62), phdthesis(53), misc(42), mastersthesis(13), proceedings(13), inbook(12), manual(4), booklet(2), collection(1)
title(2971), year(2954), author(2932), pages(1861), booktitle(1157), journal(1054), publisher(1020), volume(977), address(827), editor(632), number(500), month(332), note(290), institution(247), type(69), organization(66), school(66), series(62), chapter(30), edition(19), editors(19), keyword(12), key(11), howpublished(8), vorher(7), annote_g(4), source(4), thesis(3), comment(2), page(2), place(2), vol(2), abstract(1), addrees(1), area(1), book(1), category(1), edoitor(1), isbn(1), issue(1), keywords(1), optaddress(1), optjournal(1), optmonth(1), optnote(1), optnumber(1), optpages(1), optvolume(1), optyear(1), organisation(1), publishers(1), report(1), voulme(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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