The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

BibNet bibliographies of authors with names starting with 's'

95 Bibliography for Yousef Saad (1994)
60 Bibliography for Alessandro Saffiotti (1998)
22 Bibliography for Georg Johannes Schneider (1997)
26 Bibliography for Jie Shen (1995)
64 Bibliography for Anatol Slissenko (1999)
14 Bibliography for Barry Francis Smith (1994)
37 Bibliography for Diomidis Spinellis (1998)
164 Bibliography for Luc Steels (2002)
147 Bibliography for Nelson H. F. Beebe (2004)
11 Bibliography for Alexander Strehl (2002)
10 Bibliography for Karsten Strehl (1999)
25 Bibliography for Hartmut Surmann (1995)
675Total number of references in this section