This is the distribution of the extended concrete family of fonts (for czech and slovak) based on Petr Novak's computer modern czech .mf sources. Distribution contains: readme this file csconcr.mfj mfjob batch file for EM's mfjob to generate the fonts csconcr.doc style documentation source file csconcr.ins run this through [plain]tex to produce csconcr.drv and csconcr.sty. You will need docstrip.tex csconcr.drv run this through latex to produce csconcr documentation csconcr.sty latex+nfss style file (derived from csconcr.doc by docstrip) csc*.mf slightly modified cc .mf sources; to compile them, you will need csfonts package as well! concrete math font (not modified) test.tex run this through [plain]tex to produce font samples