# NAME Perl::Lexer - Use Perl5 lexer as a library. # SYNOPSIS use v5.18.0; use Perl::Lexer; my $lexer = Perl::Lexer->new(); my @tokens = @{$lexer->scan_string('1+2')}; for (@tokens) { say $_->inspect; } Output is: <Token: THING opval 1> <Token: ADDOP opnum 63> <Token: THING opval 2> # DESCRIPTION **THIS LIBRARY IS WRITTEN FOR RESEARCHING PERL5 LEXER API. THIS MODULE USES PERL5 INTERNAL API. DO NOT USE THIS.** Perl::Lexer is a really hackish library for using Perl5 lexer as a library. # MOTIVATION The programming language provides lexer library for itself is pretty nice. I want to tokenize perl5 code by perl5. Of course, this module uses Perl5's private APIs. I hope these APIs turn into public. If we can use lexer, we can write a source code analysis related things like Test::MinimumVersion, and other things. # WHAT API IS NEEDED FOR WRITING MODULES LIKE THIS. - Open the token informations for XS hackers. Now, token name, type, and arguments informations are hidden at toke.c and perly.h. I need to define \`PERL\_CORE\` for use it... It's too bad. And, I take token\_type and debug\_tokens from toke.c. # METHODS - my $lexer = Perl::Lexer->new(); Create new Perl::Lexer object. - $lexer->scan\_string($code: Str) : ArrayRef\[Str\] Tokenize perl5 code. This method returns arrayref of Perl::Lexer::Token. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom@gmail.com>