This is the README file for File::Alter, a module for in memory
manipulation of files.

Please refer to 'perldoc File::Alter' after installation for details.


* Description


    File::Alter allows in memory manipulation of a file's contents.
    The modified buffer will B<NOT> be written back to the file at any
    point! This is useful if you want to massage read-only files, or files
    you do not wish to alter, before they are read or used by an application.


* Installation

File::Alter follows the standard perl module install process

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

The module uses no C or XS parts, so no c-compiler is required.


    This module by Jos Boumans <>.

    This module is copyright (c) 2005 Jos Boumans <>. All
    rights reserved.

    This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.