=head1 NAME Csistck - Perl system consistency check framework =head1 SYNOPSIS use Csistck; sub sig_hup_mysql { $ENV{'MAINT_HUP_MYSQL'} = 1; } for (qw/a b/) { host "$_.example.com" => role('mysql'); } host 'c' => role('mysql'); role 'mysql' => pkg({ dpkg => 'mysql-server', emerge => 'mysql' }), template( '/etc/mysql/my.cnf', src => 'mysql/my.cnf', mysql => { bind => '', keysize => '1G' }, mode => '0644', uid => 100, gid => 100, on_restart => \&sig_hup_mysql ), script('services.sh'); check; The script can then be called directly, using command line arguments below =head1 DESCRIPTION Csistck is a small Perl framework for writing scripts to maintain system configuration and consistency. The focus of csistck is to stay lightweight, simple, and flexible. =head1 EXTENDING ROLES Roles can be defined using the C<role> keyword syntax, however a more flexible method is to extend a new object from L<Csistck::Role>: use Csistck; use base 'Csistck::Role'; sub defaults { my $self = shift; $self->{config} = '/etc/example.conf'; } sub tests { my $self = shift; $self->add(pkg({ dpkg => 'test-server', pkg_info => 'net-test' }), template( $self->{config}, src => 'files/example.conf', example => $self ); } 1; See L<Csistck::Role> for information on extending roles =head1 METHODS =head2 host($host, $checks) Add tests to host C<$host> test array. Tests are Csistck::Test blessed references, code references, or arrays of either. To process host tests, use C<check()>. =head2 role($role, $checks) Define a weak role. Constructed similar to a host check, however roles are not called directly, rather they are used to define groups of common tests that can be used by multiple hosts. See L<EXTENDING ROLES> above for an object-based style of defining roles, which allows for passing role configuration. =head2 check($target) Runs processing on C<$target>. If C<$target> is C<undef>, then look up the system's full hostname. If C<$target> is a string, use that string for a hostname lookup. If C<$target> is a C<Csistck::Test> reference, a coderef, or an arrayref, then process that object directly. This is useful for writing scripts where hostname is not important. =head1 EXPORTED METHODS =head2 option($name, $value) Set option to specified value. =head3 Available Options =over 3 =item * pkg_type [string] Set default package type =item * domain_name [string] Set default domain name to append to hosts =back =head2 host($hostname, [@tests]); Append test or array of tests to host definition. Most examples use the fat comma delimiter syntax, however this is a subjective choice. host('hostname', noop(1)); host 'hostname' => noop(1), noop(1); host 'hostname' => noop(0); Returns a reference to the host object. =head2 role($rolename, [@tests]); Append test or array of tests to role definition. role 'test' => noop(0); host 'hostname' => role('test'); Returns a reference to the role object. =head2 noop($return) "No operation" test, used only for testing or placeholders. role 'test' => noop(1); =head2 file($target, :$src, :$mode, :$uid, :$gid) Copy file C<$src> to C<$target>, setting additional options with named arguments such as mode and uid. role 'test' => file( '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf', src => 'lighttpd/lighttpd.conf', mode => '0644' ); See L<Csistck::Test::File> =head2 template($target, :$src, :$mode, :$uid, :$gid, [:$args]) Process file C<$src> as a Template Toolkit template, output to path C<$target>. Optional named arguments can be used to alter the mode, uid, etc. All parameters passed into the C<Csistck::Test::Template> object are available in the actual template, so any additional named arguments are available in the template using the argument's name -- these arguments should be hasrefs. role 'test' => template( '/etc/motd', src => 'sys/motd', foo => { bar => 1 }, uid => 0, gid => 0, mode => '0640' ); See L<Csistck::Test::Template> =head2 script($script, [@arguments]) Call script with specified arguments role 'test' => script("apache2/mod-check", "rewrite"); See L<Csistck::Test::Script> =head2 pkg($package, [$type]) Check for package using system package manager. The C<$package> argument may be specified as a string, or as a hashref to specify package names for multiple package managers. The package manager will be automatically detected if no package manager is specified. option 'pkg_type' => 'dpkg'; role 'test' => pkg("lighttpd", 'dpkg'), pkg({ dpkg => 'snmp-server', pkg_info => 'net-snmp' }); See L<Csistck::Test::Pkg> for more information =head1 SCRIPT USAGE Scripts based on Csistck will run in an interactive mode by default. The following command line options are recognized in a csistck based script =over =item * B<--[no]repair> Automate repair mode, do not run in interactive mode. =item * B<--[no]verbose> Toggle verbose reporting of events =item * B<--[no]debug> Toggle debug reporting of events =item * B<--[no]quiet> Toggle event reporting of errors =back =head1 AUTHOR Anthony Johnson, C<< <aj@ohess.org> >> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Anthony Johnson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.