CGI::AppBuilder::TaskLoads - Loading files to a database

      use CGI::AppBuilder::TaskLoads;

      my $sec = CGI::AppBuilder::TaskLoads->new();
      my ($sta, $msg) = $sec->exe_sql($ar);

    This class provides methods for reading and parsing configuration files.

  new (ifn => 'file.cfg', opt => 'hvS:')
    This is a inherited method from CGI::AppBuilder. See the same method in
    CGI::AppBuilder for more details.

  get_ldrcfg ($ar)
    Input variables:

      $ar   - array ref containing the following variables:

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

    Return: array/hash array or its ref {$k}{$e} where $k =
    [v|1|..|study_id]; $e contains

      rdr - relative directory
      mfn - meta file name, i.e., the xls contains domain and variable metadata
      dfn - domain file name containing domain metadata
      vfn - variable file name containing variable metadata
      ofd - output file directory
      dml - data manipulation act: A|D|I|U
      var - hash array ref containing variables

    Input variables:

      $q    - CGI class
      $ar   - array ref containing the following variables:

    Variables used or routines called:


    Return: $pr will contain the parameters adn output from running the

  build_dml($rr, $rf, $ar)
    Input variables:

      $rr   - array ([$i]{$k}) with new data
      $rf   - hash array with the following elements
        tbn - table name:           cc_domains
        kcn - key column name:      dn_id
        scn - select column name:   study_id
        scv - select column value: 1
        act - DML type: A-auto, D-delete, I-insert, U-update
      $ar   - hash array for system wide parameters

    Variables used or routines called:


    Return: This procedure returns an array containing DML SQL statements
    and populate the $rf with the following new elements:

      c1_crf  - column definition array [$i]{$k} for the table where $k=
      c1_vars - a list of column names separated by comma in the table
      c2_crf  - column definition array [$i]{$k} for the new data where $k=
      c2_vars - a list of column names separated by comma in the data

    Input variables:

      $cr   - array ref containing column definitions ([$i]{$k}) where $k is
              column_name, data_type, and data_length

    Variables used or routines called:


    Return: a list containing column names separated by comma

  fmt_list2sel ($cns)
    Input variables:

      $cns  - column names separated by comma

    Variables used or routines called:


    Return: a formated list to be used in SELECT statement.

  cvt_ar2hr($ar, $vars)
    Input variables:

      $ar   - array ref containing two dimensional data elements in an array
      $vars - variable names sparated by comma

    Variables used or routines called:


    Return: an array with hash elements $r->[$i]{$k}.

    sub prt_txt_file { my ($s, $fn,$ar) = @_; my ($fname, $path, $sfx) =
    fileparse($fn,qr{\..*}); my $t1 =
    "<center><b>$fname$sfx</b></center>\n<hr>\n<pre>\n"; my $typ = my $w =
    my $st = my $t = ""; my $n = $w; open FILE, "<$fn" or die "ERR: could
    not open $fn: $!\n"; while (<FILE>) { s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g; s/
    /^L/g; # change the non-printable char to printable char if ($st) {
    s/($st)/<font color=red>$1<\/font>/ig; } my ($tt, $i) = ($_, -1); if
    (length($tt) < $n || !$w ) { $t .= $tt; next; } while (length($tt) >=
    $n) { ++$i; if ($i) { # the second line $t .= " "x4 . substr($tt, 0, $n)
    . "\n"; } else { # first line $t .= substr($tt, 0, $n) . "\n"; } $tt =
    substr($tt, $n); } $t .= " "x4 . $tt; } close FILE; return $t if $typ;
    print "$t1$t</pre><br>\n"; }

    *   Version 0.10

        This version was started on 09/28/2011.

SEE ALSO (some of docs that I check often)
    Oracle::Loader, Oracle::Trigger, CGI::AppBuilder, File::Xcopy,

    Copyright (c) 2009 Hanming Tu. All rights reserved.

    This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or
    implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under
    the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see

    Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

    Around line 805:
        You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'