README for Mac::FileSpec::Unixish Time-stamp: "2000-05-14 00:42:47 MDT" Mac::FileSpec::Unixish [Partially excerpted from the POD.] Mac::FileSpec::Unixish -- Unixish-compatability in file specifications SYNOPSIS use Mac::FileSpec::Unixish; # exports 'unixify' and 'nativize' @input = map( unixify($_), @ARGV); foreach $item (@input) { my $_native_item = nativize($item); next unless $item =~ m<([^/]+)$>s # assumes / is the path separator and -f $_native_item; printf("File %s is %d bytes long...\n", $1, -s _ ); open(IN, "<$_native_item") || die "Can't open $_native_item : $!\n"; print "First line: ", scalar(<IN>); close(IN); } DESCRIPTION Mac::FileSpec::Unixish provides two functions, `nativize' and `unixify' (both of which are exported by default), that will allow you to denote and manipulate pathspecs in Unixish style, and let you convert these pathspecs to and from the native OS's format for conveying such things. It currently assumes that if you are not running under MacOS (as reported in `$^O'), you must be on a Unix box. If you want better, I suggest using File::Spec. (In essence, I wrote Mac::FileSpec::Unixish as a cheap hack to get around using File::Spec.) Using this library, you can, in your code, refer to files using a Unixish notation, a la: $foo = "../analyses/ziz.txt"; open(OUT, '>' . &nativize($foo) ) || die "Couldn't open $foo \: $!"; Under Unix, `nativize($foo)' will be simply "../analyses/ziz.txt" (`nativize' and `unixify' are nearly no-ops under Unixes); but under MacOS it will be "::analyses:ziz.txt". [...] In other words, this: @items = map(&unixify($_), @ARGV); foreach $one (@items) { print "$one => ", -s &nativize($one), " bytes\n"; my $one_copy = $one; $one_copy =~ s/[^/]+$//s; print " in the directory $one_copy"; } will work equally well under MacOS as under Unix, regardless of the fact that items in @ARGV will be in "foo:bar:baz" format if run under MacOS, and "/foo/bar/baz" format if run under Unix. ... This library exists so that a careful programmer who knows what filespecs are legal and meaningful both under Mac and under Unix, can write code that manipulates files and filenawes, and have this code work equally well under MacOS and under Unix. [...] "Unixish" path specification means pathspecs expressed with the meanings that Unix assigns to '/', '.', and '..' [...] PREREQUISITES This suite requires Perl 5; I've only used it under Perl 5.004, so for anything lower, you're on your own. Mac::FileSpec::Unixish doesn't use any nonstandard modules. INSTALLATION You install Mac::FileSpec::Unixish, as you would install any perl module library, by running these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you want to install a private copy of Mac::FileSpec::Unixish under your home directory, then you should try to produce the initial Makefile with something like this command: perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/perl Then you may need something like setenv PERLLIB "$HOME/perl" in your shell initialization file (e.g., ~/.cshrc). DOCUMENTATION POD-format documentation is included in POD is readable with the 'perldoc' utility or MacPerl's Shuck. See ChangeLog for recent changes. MACPERL INSTALLATION NOTES Don't bother with the makefiles. Just make a "Mac" directory in your MacPerl site_lib or lib directory, and a "FileSpec" directory under that, and then move into there. SUPPORT Questions, bug reports, useful code bits, and suggestions for Mac::FileSpec::Unixish should just be sent to me at AVAILABILITY The latest version of Mac::FileSpec::Unixish is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a CPAN site near you. COPYRIGHT Copyright 1998-2000, Sean M. Burke <>, all rights reserved. You may use and redistribute this library under the same terms as Perl itself.