README for strict::ModuleName Time-stamp: "2003-07-20 06:33:20 ADT" strict::ModuleName [Partially excerpted from the POD.] NAME strict::ModuleName -- verify that current package name matches filename SYNOPSIS # In a file (some @INC dir)/ package Shazbot; use strict::ModuleName; # does nothing, because matches package name "Shazbot" That does nothing, because the package name "Shazbot" is exactly what you'd expect from "" in an @INC directory. But any of these will throw a fatal error: # In a file (some @INC dir)/ package ShazBot; use strict::ModuleName; # that's a fatal error, because Shazbot isn't ShazBot # In a file (some @INC dir)/ package Shaz::Bot; use strict::ModuleName; # that's a fatal error, because Shazbot isn't Shaz::Bot # In a file (not any @INC dir)/ package Shazbot; use strict::ModuleName; # That's a fatal error, because ShazBot wasn't findable # via any @INC dir. DESCRIPTION This module stops you from having your module's filename and package name disagree, such as might happen as you're changing the name as you're developing the module; or such as might happen if you are using a case insensitive filesystem, and get the case wrong in the filename. A line saying `use strict::ModuleName;' in a module is basically an compile-time assertion that the current package name is compatible with the filename which the current source is being read from. NOTES Maybe this module should just warn() more instead of die()ing? COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Sean M. Burke. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The programs and documentation in this dist are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. AUTHOR Sean M. Burke `' PREREQUISITES This suite requires Perl 5. INSTALLATION You install strict::ModuleName, as you would install any perl module library, by running these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you want to install a private copy of strict::ModuleName in your home directory, then you should try to produce the initial Makefile with something like this command: perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/perl See perldoc perlmodinstall for more information. DOCUMENTATION POD-format documentation is included in strict::ModuleName. POD is readable with the 'perldoc' utility. See ChangeLog for recent changes. SUPPORT Questions, bug reports, useful code bits, and suggestions for strict::ModuleName should just be sent to me at AVAILABILITY The latest version of strict::Modulename is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a CPAN site near you.