Maybe you have a web application and you need to store some session data
    at the client side (in a cookie or hidden form fields) but you don't
    want the user to be able to mess with the data. Maybe you want to save
    secret information to a text file. Maybe you have better ideas of what
    to do with encrypted stuff!

    This little module will convert all your data into nice base64 text that
    you can save in a text file, send in an email, store in a cookie or web
    page, or bounce around the Net. The data you encrypt can be as simple or
    as complicated as you like.

    Version 0.05 had a few missing subroutine bodies, so quite a few things
    didn't work!  I'm now practising what I preach, and have written some tests!

    "Crypt::Simple" is really just a wrapper round a few other useful Perl
    modules: you may want to read the documentation for these modules too.

    We use "FreezeThaw" to squish all your data into a concise textual
    representation. We use "Compress::Zlib" to compress this string, and
    then use "Crypt::Blowfish" in a home-brew CBC mode to perform the
    encryption. Somewhere in this process we also add a MD5 digest (using
    "Digest::MD5"). Then we throw the whole thing through "MIME::Base64" to
    produce a nice bit of text for you to play with.

    Decryption, obviously, is the reverse of this process.

    Governments throughout the world do not like encryption because it makes
    it difficult for them to look at all your stuff. Each country has a
    different policy designed to stop you using encryption: some governments
    are honest enough to make it illegal; some think it is a dangerous
    weapon; some insist that you are free to encrypt, but only evil people
    would want to; some make confusing and contradictory laws because they
    try to do all of the above.

    Although this modules itself does not include any encryption code, it
    does use another module that contains encryption code, and this
    documentation mentions encryption. Downloading, using, or reading this
    modules could be illegal where you live.

    Marty Pauley <>

      Copyright (C) 2001 Kasei Limited

      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
      the terms of the GNU General Public License; either version 2 of the License,
      or (at your option) any later version.

      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS