NAME RPi::Pin - Access and manipulate Raspberry Pi GPIO pins SYNOPSIS use RPi::Pin; use RPi::Constant qw(:all); my $pin = RPi::Pin->new(5); $pin->mode(INPUT); $pin->write(LOW); $pin->set_interrupt(EDGE_RISING, 'main::pin5_interrupt_handler'); my $num = $pin->num; my $mode = $pin->mode; my $state = $pin->read; print "pin number $num is in mode $mode with state $state\n"; sub pin5_interrupt_handler { print "in interrupt handler\n"; } DESCRIPTION An object that represents a physical GPIO pin. Using the pin object's methods, the GPIO pins can be controlled and monitored. This distribution can be accessed through RPi::WiringPi. Using that distribution provides safety and cleanup procedures. Using this module directly requires you to reset your pins manually. We use the `BCM' (`GPIO') pin numbering scheme. METHODS new($pin_num) Takes the number representing the Pi's GPIO pin you want to use, and returns an object for that pin. Parameters: $pin_num Mandatory, Integer: The pin number to attach to. mode($mode) Puts the pin into either `INPUT', `OUTPUT', `PWM_OUT' or `GPIO_CLOCK' mode. If `$mode' is not sent in, we'll return the pin's current mode. Parameters: $mode Optional: If not sent in, we'll simply return the current mode of the pin. Otherwise, send in: `0' for `INPUT', `1' for `OUTPUT', `2' for `PWM_OUT' and `3' for `GPIO_CLOCK' mode. mode_alt($alt) Allows you to set any pin to any mode. Parameters: $alt Optional: If not sent in, we'll simply return the current mode of the pin. The possible values of this method are as follows: Value Mode ------------ 0 INPUT 1 OUTPUT 4 ALT0 5 ALT1 6 ALT2 7 ALT3 3 ALT4 2 ALT5 read() Returns `1' if the pin is `HIGH' (on) and `0' if the pin is `LOW' (off). write($state) For pins in `OUTPUT' mode, will turn `HIGH' (on) the pin, or `LOW' (off). Parameters: $state Send in `1' to turn the pin on, and `0' to turn it off. pull($direction) Used to set the internal pull-up or pull-down resistor for a pin. Calling this method on a pin will automatically set the pin to `INPUT' mode. Parameter: $direction Mandatory: `2' for `PUD_UP', `1' for `PUD_DOWN' and `0' for `PUD_OFF' (disabled the resistor). set_interrupt($edge, $callback) Listen for an interrupt on a pin, and do something if it is triggered. Parameters: $edge Mandatory: `1' for `EDGE_FALLING', `2' for `EDGE_RISING', or `3' for `EDGE_BOTH'. $callback The string name of a Perl subroutine that you've already written within your code. This is the interrupt handler. When an interrupt is triggered, the code in this subroutine will run. If you get errors when the handler is called, specify the full package name to the handler (eg: `'main::callback''). interrupt_set DEPRECATED; See `set_interrupt()'. pwm($value) Sets the level of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of the pin. Dies if the pin's `mode()' is not set to PWM (`2'). Note that only physical pin 12 (wiringPi pin 1, GPIO pin 18) is PWM hardware capable. Parameter: $value Mandatory: values range from 0-1023. `0' for 0% (off) and `1023' for 100% (fully on). See RPi for details on how to modify the range to something other than `0-1023'. num() Returns the pin number associated with the pin object. SEE ALSO AUTHOR Steve Bertrand, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2017 by Steve Bertrand This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.