Labyrinth-DIUtils-GD ==================== Handles the driver software for GD image manipulation within the Labyrinth Web Framework. If using within Labyrinth, do not use this module directly, access should be used via Labyrinth::DIUtils. However, the module can be use in isolation. SYNOPSIS use Labyrinth::DIUtils::GD; # if using Labyrinth. Labyrinth::DIUtils::Tool('GD'); my $hook = Labyrinth::DIUtils::GD->new($file); my $hook = $hook->rotate($degrees); # 90, 180, 270 my $hook = $hook->reduce($xmax,$ymax); my $hook = $hook->thumb($thumbnail,$square); INSTALLATION See the INSTALL file for full instructions. DEPENDENCIES GD IO::File Note that although this distribution is intended to be used within the Labyrinth Web Framework, it doesn't require any part of the framework, and can be used independently. See also Perldoc. AUTHOR Barbie, <> for Miss Barbell Productions, <> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions All Rights Reserved. This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic Licence v2.