NAME RT::ClientX::GrabBugs - download bugs from an RT queue and dump them as RDF SYNOPSIS RT::ClientX::GrabBugs ->new({ user => $rt_username, pass => $rt_password, queue => $rt_queue, dest => './output_file.ttl', }) ->process; DESCRIPTION This module downloads bugs from an RT queue and dumps them as RDF. Constructor `new(%attrs)` Fairly standard Moosey `new` constructor, accepting a hash of named parameters. `main(@argv)` Alternative constructor. Processes @argv like command-line arguments. e.g. RT::ClientX::GrabBugs->main('--user=foo', '--pass=bar', '--queue=My-Module'); This constructor uses Getopt::ArgvFile to read additional options from `~/.rt-grabbugs` and `./.rt-grabbugs`. The constructor supports the options "--user", "--pass", "--queue" and "--dest". Attributes * `server`, `user`, `pass` Details for logging into RT. * `dest` The file name where you want to save the data. This defaults to "./meta/rt-bugs.ttl". * `queue` Queue to grab bugs for. Assuming that you're grabbing from, this corresponds to a CPAN distribution (e.g. "RT-ClientX-GrabBugs"). If not provided, this module will try to guess which queue you want. It does this by looking for a file called "dist.ini" in the project directory. Within this file, it looks for a line with the following format: ;; name="Foo-Bar" This type of line is commonly found in dist.ini files designed for Dist::Inkt. If you're using Dist::Zilla it should be possible to add such a line without breaking anything. (Dist::Zilla sees lines beginning with a semicolon as comments.) * `project_uri` URI to use for doap:Project in output. * `queue_model` An RDF::Trine::Model generated by calling the `add_to_model` method on each bug in the `queue_table` list. Here you probably want to rely on the default model that the class builds. Methods * `process` Saves the model from `queue_model` to the destination `dest` as Turtle. Returns $self. BUGS Please report any bugs to <>. SEE ALSO RDF::DOAP. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2012, 2014 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.