Pod::Tests - Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD

      use Pod::Tests;
      $p = Pod::Tests->new;


      my @examples = $p->examples;
      my @tests    = $p->tests;

      foreach my $example (@examples) {
          print "The example:  '$example->{code}' was on line ".

      my @test_code         = $p->build_tests(@tests);
      my @example_test_code = $p->build_examples(@examples);

    This is a specialized POD viewer to extract embedded tests and code
    examples from POD. It doesn't do much more than that. pod2test does the
    useful work.

    After creating a Pod::Tests object, you parse the POD by calling one of
    the available parsing methods documented below. You can call parse as
    many times as you'd like, all examples and tests found will stack up
    inside the object.

    Once extracted, the tests can be built into stand-alone testing code
    using the build_tests() and build_examples() methods. However, it is
    recommended that you first look at the pod2test program before embarking
    on this.

      $parser = Pod::Tests->new;

    Returns a new Pod::Tests object which lets you read tests and examples
    out of a POD document.


    Finds the examples and tests in a bunch of lines of Perl @code. Once run
    they're available via examples() and testing().

  parse_file $file

    Just like parse() except it works on a file.

  parse_fh $fh

    Just like parse() except it works on a filehandle.

      @testing  = $parser->tests;

    Returns the tests found in the parsed POD documents. Each element of
    @testing is a hash representing an individual testing block and contains
    information about that block.

      $test->{code}         actual testing code
      $test->{line}         line from where the test was taken

      @examples = $parser->examples;

    Returns the examples found in the parsed POD documents. Each element of
    @examples is a hash representing an individual testing block and
    contains information about that block.

      $test->{code}         actual testing code
      $test->{line}         line from where the test was taken

      my @code = $p->build_tests(@tests);

    Returns a code fragment based on the given embedded @tests. This
    fragment is expected to print the usual "ok/not ok" (or something
    Test::Harness can read) or nothing at all.

    Typical usage might be:

        my @code = $p->build_tests($p->tests);

    This fragment is suitable for placing into a larger test script.

    NOTE Look at pod2test before embarking on your own test building.

      my @code = $p->build_examples(@examples);

    Similar to build_tests(), it creates a code fragment which tests the
    basic validity of your example code. Essentially, it just makes sure it

    If your example has an "example testing" block associated with it it
    will run the the example code and the example testing block.

    Here's the simplest example, just finding the tests and examples in a
    single module.

      my $p = Pod::Tests->new;

    And one to find all the tests and examples in a directory of files. This
    illustrates building a set of examples and tests through multiple calls
    to parse_file().

      my $p = Pod::Tests->new;
      opendir(PODS, "path/to/some/lib/") || die $!;
      while( my $file = readdir PODS ) {
      printf "Found %d examples and %d tests in path/to/some/lib\n",
             scalar $p->examples, scalar $p->tests;

    Finally, an example of parsing your own POD using the DATA filehandle.

      use Fcntl qw(:seek);
      my $p = Pod::Tests->new;

      # Seek to the beginning of the current code.
      seek(DATA, 0, SEEK_SET) || die $!;

    This module has been replaced by the newer Test::Inline 2. Most testing
    code that currently works with "pod2test" should continue to work with
    the new version. The most notable exceptions are "=for begin" and "=for
    end", which are deprecated.

    After upgrading, Pod::Tests and "pod2test" were split out to provide a
    compatibility package for legacy code.

    "pod2test" will stay in CPAN, but should remain unchanged indefinately,
    with the exception of any minor bugs that will require squishing.

    Bugs in this dist should be reported via the following URL. Feature
    requests should not be submitted, as further development is now occuring
    in Test::Inline.


    Michael G Schwern <>

    Adam Kennedy <>


    pod2test, Perl 6 RFC 183

    Short set of slides on Pod::Tests

    Similar schemes can be found in SelfTest and Test::Unit.

    Copyright 2005 - 2008 Adam Kennedy.

    Copyright 2001 - 2003 Michael G Schwern.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.