Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe @ math . utah . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Center for Scientific Computing University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA
This bibliography collects publications in the large field of numerical analysis from books and conference proceedings, but excluding journal articles, which are covered in separate bibliographies in the TeX User Group archive.
bibliography, BibTeX, numerical analysis
Author Comments:
This file includes publications for the decade 2000–2009. The contents are still very preliminary, and no attempt has yet been made to do subject-specific searches in multiple databases to extend the coverage. However, there was a need to have a subject-specific repository of bibliographic entries in this area that have not otherwise found a home in other bibliographies in the TUG archive, so this file has been created. It may, however, prove desirable later to redistribute the contents of this file into other, more specialized, bibliographies, so there is no commitment on the part of the author to continue to maintain this file, although its contents will not be lost in the event of such a rearrangement. The initial draft of entries for 2000–2009 was derived from the OCLC Proceedings database, from the MathSciNet database, from the University of California Melvyl catalog, and from the U.S. Library of Congress catalog.