The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography of tje ACM Turing Award Lectures

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Number of references:50Last update:November 25, 2005
Number of online publications:50Supported:yes
Most recent reference:August 2005 Info:Version 1.02

Information on the Bibliography

Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe at math . utah . edu, beebe at acm . org, beebe at computer . org> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
University of Utah
Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
155 S 1400 E RM 233
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
This is a bibliography of tje ACM Turing Award Lectures. The official Web site for these awards is:
ACM Turing Award; bibliography; BibTeX
Author Comments:
There is also a list with links to author publication lists at ley/db/journals/cacm/turing.html
For convenience, here is a summary of the awards, with URLs for the official announcements of recent awards. Lectures are published in the same or following year, except as noted, and from 2002, some are available in online video formats:
1966 Alan J. Perlis 1967 Maurice V. Wilkes 1968 Richard W. Hamming 1969 Marvin L. Minsky 1970 James H. Wilkinson 1971 John McCarthy (published 1987) 1972 Edsger W. Dijkstra 1973 Charles W. Bachman 1974 Donald E. Knuth 1975 Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon 1976 Dana S. Scott 1977 John Backus 1978 Robert W. Floyd 1979 Kenneth E. Iverson 1980 Charles Anthony Richard Hoare 1981 Edgar F. Codd 1982 Stephen A. Cook 1983 Dennis M. Ritchie and Ken Thompson 1984 Niklaus Wirth 1985 Richard M. Karp 1986 John E. Hopcroft and Robert E. Tarjan 1987 John Cocke 1988 Ivan E. Sutherland 1989 William (Velvel) M. Kahan (unpublished) 1990 Fernando J. Corbató 1991 Robin Milner 1992 Butler Lampson (unpublished??) 1993 Juris Hartmanis and Richard Edwin Stearns 1994 Edward A. Feigenbaum and Raj Reddy 1995 Manuel Blum (unpublished) 1996 Amir Pnueli (only abstract published) 1997 Douglas Engelbart (unpublished??) 1998 Jim Gray 1999 Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. (unpublished) 2000 Andrew Chi-Chih Yao (unpublished) 2001 Ole Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard (unpublished) 2002 Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard M. Adleman 2003 Alan Kay 2004 Kyoto Prize for Advanced Technology 2004 Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn
At version 1.02, the year coverage looked like this:
1967 ( 1) 1980 ( 1) 1993 ( 2) 1968 ( 1) 1981 ( 1) 1994 ( 2) 1969 ( 1) 1982 ( 1) 1995 ( 0) 1970 ( 1) 1983 ( 1) 1996 ( 2) 1971 ( 1) 1984 ( 2) 1997 ( 2) 1972 ( 1) 1985 ( 1) 1998 ( 1) 1973 ( 1) 1986 ( 1) 1999 ( 3) 1974 ( 1) 1987 ( 4) 2000 ( 0) 1975 ( 0) 1988 ( 2) 2001 ( 0) 1976 ( 1) 1989 ( 1) 2002 ( 3) 1977 ( 1) 1990 ( 1) 2003 ( 3) 1978 ( 1) 1991 ( 2) 2004 ( 1) 1979 ( 1) 1992 ( 0) 2005 ( 1)
Article: 34 Book: 1 InProceedings: 2 Misc: 7 Proceedings: 3 TechReport: 2 Unpublished: 1
Total entries: 50

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

article(34), misc(7), proceedings(3), inproceedings(2), techreport(2), book(1), unpublished(1)
acknowledgement(50), title(50), year(50), bibdate(49), author(47), pages(40), month(38), issn(35), number(35), volume(35), coden(34), doi(34), doi-url(34), journal(34), remark(28), url(27), keywords(26), subject(19), note(10), address(9), oldlabel(9), xmldata(9), abstract(8), mrclass(8), mrnumber(8), mrnumber-url(8), howpublished(7), booktitle(6), classcodes(6), corpsource(6), isbn(6), publisher(6), treatment(6), editor(5), day(4), lccn(4), mrreviewer(4), annote(3), classification(3), isbn-13(3), journalabr(3), review(3), institution(2), series(2), descriptors(1), mynote(1), subjectdates(1), type(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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