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Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography of "Designing and Building Parallel Programs"

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Number of references:338Last update:August 26, 1997
Number of online publications:56Supported:no
Most recent reference:1995

Information on the Bibliography

Ian Foster <foster @ mcs . anl . gov> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S Cass Ave
Argonne, IL 60439

Online Publishing Project <dbpp @ mcs . anl . gov> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Designing and Building Parallel Programs
c/o Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
1 Jacob Way
Reading, MA 01867

©1994 by Ian Foster
Designing and Building Parallel Programs
Ian Foster
Addison-Wesley, 1995
ISBN 0-201-57594-9
is a book for students and professionals who need to know how to write parallel programs. It is neither a programming language manual nor an academic treatise on algorithms. Instead, it approaches parallel programming as an engineering activity, in which programs are developed in a methodical fashion and both cost and performance are considered at each stage in a design. It is intended as both an introduction to parallel programming and a practitioner's guide for programmers, engineers, and scientists developing programs for parallel and distributed computer systems.
The book comprises three parts, covering design, tools, and resources. The first part provides a thorough discussion of parallel algorithm design, performance analysis, and program construction, illustrating fundamental principles with numerous examples. The second part provides a practitioner's guide to four parallel programming tools: the languages CC++ and Fortran M, and the de facto standards High Performance Fortran and Message Passing Interface. It also desribes a number of performance tools. The third part provides extensive references to the literature.

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Bibliographic Statistics

article(148), book(94), inproceedings(40), techreport(25), manual(14), incollection(10), booklet(5), misc(1), phdthesis(1)
title(337), year(337), author(313), pages(180), journal(148), volume(148), publisher(135), number(132), booktitle(51), institution(26), address(17), organization(14), key(10), editor(8), note(6), howpublished(5), edition(4), type(4), comment(3), keyword(3), keywords(3), authors(1), editors(1), school(1), series(1)
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