/***** * name.cc * Andy Hammerlindl2002/07/14 * * Qualified names (such as x, f, builtin.sin, a.b.c.d, etc.) can be used * either as variables or a type names. This class stores qualified * names used in nameExp and nameTy in the abstract syntax, and * implements the exp and type functions. *****/ #include "name.h" #include "frame.h" #include "record.h" #include "coenv.h" #include "inst.h" namespace absyntax { using namespace types; using trans::access; using trans::qualifiedAccess; using trans::action; using trans::READ; using trans::WRITE; using trans::CALL; using vm::inst; types::ty *signatureless(types::ty *t) { if (overloaded *o=dynamic_cast(t)) return o->signatureless(); else return (t && !t->getSignature()) ? t : 0; } void name::forceEquivalency(action act, coenv &e, types::ty *target, types::ty *source) { if (act == READ) e.implicitCast(getPos(), target, source); else if (!equivalent(target, source)) { em.compiler(getPos()); em << "type mismatch in variable: " << *target << " vs " << *source; } } frame *name::frameTrans(coenv &e) { if (types::ty *t=signatureless(varGetType(e))) { if (t->kind == types::ty_record) { varTrans(READ, e, t); return ((record *)t)->getLevel(); } else return 0; } else return tyFrameTrans(e); } types::ty *name::getType(coenv &e, bool tacit) { types::ty *t=signatureless(varGetType(e)); if (!tacit && t && t->kind == ty_error) // Report errors associated with regarding the name as a variable. varTrans(trans::READ, e, t); return t ? t : typeTrans(e, tacit); } varEntry *simpleName::getVarEntry(coenv &e) { // If the name refers to a signatureless variable, // return its varEntry. types::ty *t=signatureless(varGetType(e)); if (t) return e.e.lookupVarByType(id, t); // Otherwise, the name refers to a type. // Return its varEntry. tyEntry *ent = e.e.lookupTyEntry(id); return ent ? ent->v : 0; } void simpleName::varTrans(action act, coenv &e, types::ty *target) { varEntry *v = e.e.lookupVarByType(id, target); if (v) { v->encode(act, getPos(), e.c); forceEquivalency(act, e, target, v->getType()); } else { em.error(getPos()); em << "no matching variable of name \'" << id << "\'"; } } types::ty *simpleName::varGetType(coenv &e) { return e.e.varGetType(id); } trans::varEntry *simpleName::getCallee(coenv &e, signature *sig) { varEntry *ve = e.e.lookupVarBySignature(id, sig); return ve; } types::ty *simpleName::typeTrans(coenv &e, bool tacit) { types::ty *t = e.e.lookupType(id); if (t) { return t; } else { if (!tacit) { em.error(getPos()); em << "no type of name \'" << id << "\'"; } return primError(); } } tyEntry *simpleName::tyEntryTrans(coenv &e) { tyEntry *ent = e.e.lookupTyEntry(id); if (!ent) { em.error(getPos()); em << "no type of name \'" << id << "\'"; return new tyEntry(primError(), 0, 0, position()); } return ent; } frame *simpleName::tyFrameTrans(coenv &e) { tyEntry *ent = e.e.lookupTyEntry(id); if (ent && ent->t->kind==types::ty_record && ent->v) { ent->v->encode(READ, getPos(), e.c); return ent->v->getLevel(); } else return 0; } void simpleName::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "simpleName '" << id << "'\n"; } AsymptoteLsp::SymbolLit simpleName::getLit() const { return AsymptoteLsp::SymbolLit(static_cast(id)); } record *qualifiedName::castToRecord(types::ty *t, bool tacit) { switch (t->kind) { case ty_overloaded: if (!tacit) { em.compiler(qualifier->getPos()); em << "name::getType returned overloaded"; } return 0; case ty_record: return (record *)t; case ty_error: return 0; default: if (!tacit) { em.error(qualifier->getPos()); em << "type \'" << *t << "\' is not a structure"; } return 0; } } bool qualifiedName::varTransVirtual(action act, coenv &e, types::ty *target, types::ty *qt) { varEntry *v = qt->virtualField(id, target->getSignature()); if (v) { // Push qualifier onto stack. qualifier->varTrans(READ, e, qt); v->encode(act, getPos(), e.c); // A virtual field was used. return true; } // No virtual field. return false; } void qualifiedName::varTransField(action act, coenv &e, types::ty *target, record *r) { varEntry *v = r->e.lookupVarByType(id, target); if (v) { frame *f = qualifier->frameTrans(e); if (f) v->encode(act, getPos(), e.c, f); else v->encode(act, getPos(), e.c); forceEquivalency(act, e, target, v->getType()); } else { em.error(getPos()); em << "no matching field of name \'" << id << "\' in \'" << *r << "\'"; } } void qualifiedName::varTrans(action act, coenv &e, types::ty *target) { types::ty *qt = qualifier->getType(e); // Use virtual fields if applicable. if (varTransVirtual(act, e, target, qt)) return; record *r = castToRecord(qt); if (r) varTransField(act, e, target, r); } types::ty *qualifiedName::varGetType(coenv &e) { types::ty *qt = qualifier->getType(e, true); // Look for virtual fields. types::ty *t = qt->virtualFieldGetType(id); if (t) return t; record *r = castToRecord(qt, true); return r ? r->e.varGetType(id) : 0; } trans::varEntry *qualifiedName::getCallee(coenv &e, signature *sig) { // getTypeAsCallee is an optimization attempt. We don't try optimizing the // rarer qualifiedName call case. // TODO: See if this is worth implementing. //cout << "FAIL BY QUALIFIED NAME" << endl; return 0; } trans::varEntry *qualifiedName::getVarEntry(coenv &e) { varEntry *qv = qualifier->getVarEntry(e); types::ty *qt = qualifier->getType(e, true); record *r = castToRecord(qt, true); if (r) { types::ty *t = signatureless(r->e.varGetType(id)); varEntry *v = t ? r->e.lookupVarByType(id, t) : 0; return trans::qualifyVarEntry(qv,v); } else return qv; } types::ty *qualifiedName::typeTrans(coenv &e, bool tacit) { types::ty *rt = qualifier->getType(e, tacit); record *r = castToRecord(rt, tacit); if (!r) return primError(); tyEntry *ent = r->e.lookupTyEntry(id); if (ent) { if (!tacit) ent->reportPerm(READ, getPos(), e.c); return ent->t; } else { if (!tacit) { em.error(getPos()); em << "no matching field or type of name \'" << id << "\' in \'" << *r << "\'"; } return primError(); } } tyEntry *qualifiedName::tyEntryTrans(coenv &e) { types::ty *rt = qualifier->getType(e, false); record *r = castToRecord(rt, false); if (!r) return new tyEntry(primError(), 0, 0, position()); tyEntry *ent = r->e.lookupTyEntry(id); if (!ent) { em.error(getPos()); em << "no matching type of name \'" << id << "\' in \'" << *r << "\'"; return new tyEntry(primError(), 0, 0, position()); } ent->reportPerm(READ, getPos(), e.c); return trans::qualifyTyEntry(qualifier->getVarEntry(e), ent); } frame *qualifiedName::tyFrameTrans(coenv &e) { frame *f=qualifier->frameTrans(e); tyEntry *ent = e.e.lookupTyEntry(id); if (ent && ent->t->kind==types::ty_record && ent->v) { if (f) ent->v->encode(READ, getPos(), e.c, f); else ent->v->encode(READ, getPos(), e.c); return ent->v->getLevel(); } else return f; } void qualifiedName::prettyprint(ostream &out, Int indent) { prettyindent(out, indent); out << "qualifiedName '" << id << "'\n"; qualifier->prettyprint(out, indent+1); } AsymptoteLsp::SymbolLit qualifiedName::getLit() const { std::vector accessors; name const* currentScope = this->qualifier; while (auto* qn = dynamic_cast(currentScope)) { accessors.push_back(static_cast(qn->getName())); currentScope = qn->qualifier; } accessors.push_back(static_cast(currentScope->getName())); return AsymptoteLsp::SymbolLit(static_cast(id), std::move(accessors)); } } // namespace absyntax